
After about 7 hrs on the plane we arrived at 12:35pm Italy time. I slept the entire flight...just in time for my coffee and muffin prior to landing. Kim however, sat awake the entire time. Good flight I thought...:) Tons more leg room than Air Transat!
Its a suprising 27C here today but a bit overcast.
ok....check it out....while picking up our baggage the conveyor stops after about half the bags come out...10 mins goes by.....we are both getting antsy, only to find that a loose strap from my bag got caught in the dumb thing before ripping it off and putting a fist size rip in my bag....Oops! bad (blush)
Found a shuttle to the hotel that made only 2 stops before ours...awesome.
Hotel Londra-Cargill....nice place ...nothing fancy but clean and in the midst of all the tourist stuff. Perfect!
Its about 3pm now...gonna clean, go get a bite to eat.....a beer and do some sight seeing baby ya!

Sadly this blog reads in reverse. To see the trip from the start you need to scroll to the bottom and work back up.

Friday, October 1, 2010

On are way home...:(

As much fun as we had over the past few weeks, we are all looking forward to getting home. Our flight home was 10 hrs and fairly uneventful....I watched 4 movies....HotTub Time Machine, The A-Team, The Losers and The Lovely Bones aswell as a couple of episodes of 2 1/2 of which I had never seen before amazingly enough!!??
We ate pasta and drank at least 1 bottle of red wine each day...7 days/week for over 3 weeks. I'm sure I have limited liver function, 5-10 lbs extra weight and hardly any enamel left on my teeth...thanks to the wine!!! that can all be fixed though, right????
Yvonne and Joe are great travel companions too, just sayin'...stay tuned we may do it again real soon!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


At the pizzeria
Rena, Joe, Muzio and Ilaria. We had dinner in this little pizzeria around the corner from their home....and it was gooood!!!
Cant thank this family enough for their hospitality....they are super nice people!!
Once we finished dinner, Muzio drove us back into Rome so we didn't have to take the subway.  A blessing because at that point...too much food, too much beer and a long day would have made for a loooong train ride back.


Please excuse the chipmonk cheeks as I was struggling to finish my mouthful before this shot was taken.....Once we finished here...we made our way to another small town called Grottaferrata where Joes cousin Rina lives with her husband Muzio and their 16yr old daughter Ilaria.


White wine
We were graciously served a terrific porchetta sandwich on fresh italian bread with a splash of white wine.
When Paolo isn't serving the wine, he performs marriage ceremonies at City Hall as the towns Justice of the Peace.


Having a snack

 Joes cousin Rosanna and her husband Paolo own this little supermarket in a town called Frascati. Its a beautiful, historic place on a hill about 20 mins outside of Rome. We had an awesome view for Rome from here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Arbatax, Sardinia

Today was another spectacular day....sunny and warm! We had to check out of our rooms today by 11am, but we spent the day around the pool soaking up as much sun as we could before we left for Rome and back home. The hotel was kind enough to provide us with a shower facility so we could clean up before hitting the road.
Yvonne was not looking forward to riding those treacherous, winding roads back to Cagliari...lucky for her we read the map correctly this time!! It seems that on our way here we either were given poor directions, misread the map or missed a turn or something?? It was a new 4 lane highway from start to finish...picturesque along the coast shaving at least 1 hr off the drive. DUH!!!
This is where it gets exciting.....stay with me.....our flight was leaving our minds at least, at 22:50hrs. We got to the terminal early as I said, so we sat down for dinner and beers to pass the time. We pulled out the boarding passes and realized that we weren't on the same flight as Joe and Yvonne. Two flights each day to Rome ...06:30hrs and 22:50hrs......We had missed our 06:30hrs flight!!!!!  Accidently booked the wrong one.  We were required to purchase new tickets at a premium price....not good for morale!!!
nevertheless...we arrived at Rome and got to the hotel no probs after that....what a mess.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Golfo D'Orosei

Cliff walls
Police Marine Unit
Compare the size these walls and grottos to the boats in the pics....
The one on the left...there are divers entering an big cave only accessible through an underwater entrance...the tunnel is about 15m long and then you resurface inside the cave...ya...right...knock yourself out!

Golfo D'Orosei

Cliff walls
Cliff walls
There were miles of these cliffs along the coast, rising hundreds of feet up.
On the right you can see the erosion of the limestone from the large waves pounding on them. They had a tsunami several years a go that was about 30ft high, causing parts of the shoreline that wasn't solid limestone to be washed away. There is evidence of the size of that wave still today.

Golfo D'Orosei

battered and fried
our first-mate/cook/.....plumber (don't ask).
These fish actually tasted much better than they looked....although Yvonne was out from the get-go!!

Golfo D'Orosei

Lunch time

Lunch time
 We ate on board the Helios....pasta with shrimp, fresh battered fish...bowls of olives and jug after jug of red wine...mmmmm!!!
He anchored the boat in the shelter of one of the many fjords along the coast.

Golfo D'Orosei

To the beach
and back on board
We stopped at two different beaches for some R & R. On the left you see how we got on and off the beach...but the second time the sea became too rough to come in again. We were brought back on board with the zodiac and the help of a local water taxi.

Golfo D'Orosei

A close up!!

That's close!

We were already starting to pull back from the wall before Kim got there. Gives you an idea of the size of this cave aswell...we were basically inside.

Golfo D'Orosei

Captain Sergio

The shoreline

Because of the cliffs extending straight down beneath the water in most places, he could bring this big boat within inches of the cliff walls.

Golfo D'Orosei

Inside the grotto

On our way out
There was a small "window" (behind Joe) that allowed some light to penetrate. The dome-shaped ceiling was about 20ft or so in the center and the grotto itself measured about 60ft in diameter.

Golfo D'Orosei

The Entrance

From the inside
 We entered this grotto in a zodiac through this small entrance.  We had to duck down to clear the top in prder to pass through but it was huge on the inside.

Grotto Del Fico

Grotto Del Fico

Grotto Del Fico

Grotto Del Fico

Inside the grotto
Inside th grotto
As I mentioned...the pics aren't that great but you get the idea. Its massive....imagine...the first guys to discover this, explored using helmet lights and flashlights only.....creepy much??

Grotto Del Fico

Inside the Grotto
Inside the Grotto
Seriously...go to the link and view the pics...we weren't allowed flash photography so my pics are crappy. This place is huge....check it out.

Grotto Del Fico

Grotto Del Fico

The entrance
 It wasn't until 1963 that scientists actually entered the grotto and began their research. It was opened to the public in 2003. Visit the website to really appreciate the beauty of this thing.
The entrance
The entrance was covered originally, by a huge fig tree, but in 1985 it was knocked down and washed away during a big storm.

Coastal Tour aboard the Helios

The Grottos
The Grottos
We saw tons of the these along the coast...both at sea level and above. The biggest one discovered in the 1950's called Grotto Del Fico. (Grotto of the Figs).

Coastal Tour aboard the Helios

Gulf D'Orosei
Gulf D'Orosei
Check out how brilliant the water colour is. The pics don't do it justice but the most turquoise water I have ever seen anywhere!

Coastal Tour aboard the Helios

Hold tight!!
Check out the coast
Yvonne was a bit nervous about the seasickness thing, but Kim had her back and she made it through with flying flying colours as it were!!

Coastal Tour aboard the Helios

Who's excited??
A Tommy Hilfiger ad??
The sea was calm enough today, so were were able to ride on the deck at the bow of the ship. Our captain, Sergio, gave a great narrative of the sights..with the help of a translator.... another cruiser who spoke German, English and Italian. we were the only english speaking people on board.

Coastal Tour aboard the Helios

The Helios
We finally got to tour the coastal beaches and grottos to the north of  Arbatax, in the Gulf D'Orosei. We boarded the Helios this AM at 8:30am and made our way along the coast. It took us approx. 1.5 hrs to reach the 1st beach but we saw tons of sights along the the way.
Is it just me or is this ship eerily reminicent of the SS Minnow on the infamous 3 hr tour???   We were a bit nervous at first least I had Lovie with me!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Arbatax, Sardinia

By the pool
Yvonne couldn't bring herself to join the Polar Bear Club....the furthest she got was knee deep...and of course, I accidently splashed her in a successful, but nearly fatal attempt (to  my life) to rid her of the bee that was circling her. Somehow she wasn't quite as appreciative of my efforts as I thought she might be???
Truth be told....I entered the pool on my own that point, she said I was going in one way or another, so I thought I'd say I did it out of bravery...not fear. Sorry Vonnzie!!!  :)

Arbatax, Sardinia

The Polar Bear Club
Today was a b-e-a-utiful day!!!  I'm guesing it is about 28-30C with clear blue skies and a slight ocean breeze.
Kim and Yvonne both spent the morning in the spa getting pampered while Joe and I took in the sights around the pool.
He had to to take this pic of me to prove to Kim that I actually got up the courage to go in the arcticesque water. Once I got in...Joe and Kim quickly followed suit....and the trend was started.  Everyone else near the pool got in ...a show of bravery that you can only appreciate if you felt this water. Hats off to the old folks who did it...especially the guy who we had to revive using the defib afterwards....(kidding)..but it was that cold....brrr!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Arbatax, Sardinia

The local beach
The locals say these are nice but the ones north of here are spectacular......are you kidding me....this was awesome!!!!!

Arbatax, Sardinia

Well today we had to "shift gears" a bit. Our boat tour was cancelled this am due to lack of enrollment.....and higher than normal winds. So....we decided to hop in the car and drive south for 20-30 mins to one of the local beaches. The weather was beautiful today....about 27C and clear skies. The wind was just that...more that a breeze but not bothersome....actually made sitting on the beach very pleasant.....had a few beers and a nice panini with prosciutto, mozza and tomato sandwich..mmmm.
The beaches here are very nice...with turquoise water although a bit chiilier than I had expected it might be.
We plan on rebooking the boat tour for Tues with another "back up" plan....the being we will drive the coastal mountain roads to visit the beaches north of here about and hour or two. There are several sea grottos along the way that we would like to stop and see as well.....crossing our fingers. for more nice weather.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Arbatax, Sardinia

Dinner at the Port

Enjoying our dinner at the "Greasy Spoon Pizzeria". Our Yvonne is a champ with the Italian language....she only speaks a bit  but understands everything...the towns folk adore her!!!!!  Joe....she's a keeper!!!!

Arbatax, Sardinia

Today was such a beautiful day that we decided to sit by the pool and catch a few rays!  It is about 28C, clear skies and a slight breeze coming off the ocean...sweet!! The only downside is, there is no poolside service here. We have to go into the bar area every time we want a beer. Needless to say we are wearing a path!! (kidding of course)
The beach here is small by comparison to others here but the water is so green and clear.....beautiful. Good thing,  because I think they refrigerate their pool water. I see all the Nordic guests swimming in the pool and thinking the water is too warm....what the hell??? Me...I'm out...if it is 70F I'd be shocked.
We found a little pizzeria ( Italy???!!) by the port and had dinner. We were skeptical at first because the decor was pretty base, the furniture fairly greasy spoonish...but the food was priced good and tasted even better...Likely the best pizza I have had since we got here....and I have had some good ones!!!
Tomorrow is supposed to be a really nice day...which is why we booked a boat tour that takes us up the coast to all the nice beaches.....starting at 8:30am until 6:30pm. We stop at various beaches to along the way to lay in the lunch...explore a couple of grottos (sea caves)...should be a a fun day.