
After about 7 hrs on the plane we arrived at 12:35pm Italy time. I slept the entire flight...just in time for my coffee and muffin prior to landing. Kim however, sat awake the entire time. Good flight I thought...:) Tons more leg room than Air Transat!
Its a suprising 27C here today but a bit overcast.
ok....check it out....while picking up our baggage the conveyor stops after about half the bags come out...10 mins goes by.....we are both getting antsy, only to find that a loose strap from my bag got caught in the dumb thing before ripping it off and putting a fist size rip in my bag....Oops! bad (blush)
Found a shuttle to the hotel that made only 2 stops before ours...awesome.
Hotel Londra-Cargill....nice place ...nothing fancy but clean and in the midst of all the tourist stuff. Perfect!
Its about 3pm now...gonna clean, go get a bite to eat.....a beer and do some sight seeing baby ya!

Sadly this blog reads in reverse. To see the trip from the start you need to scroll to the bottom and work back up.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010




Cheesey, I know!!!! But ya gotta do it!
Spent a few minutes here ...had another 3 course lunch and headed to the airport.
PS..didn't was started in 1173, 3rd floor completed in 1274..noticed it had started to sink at that point but continued anyway completing it in 1350. Only until 2000 did they start the renos.
It took 18 different cleaners to remove their 2 biggest challenges....gum and graffiti that riddled the stone.